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How to activate a license on a different computer

If you have Lite license type, then before installing the program on another computer, first delete the program from the previous computer (it is not necessary, you can delete the program later), then log in to your Account, open the Hardware settings and delete the previous hardware binding. Then run the installer on a new computer. The new hardware will occur in the Account during the installation process.

If you have Standard or Pro license type, then you have the option to install the program on 2 or 3 computers. In this case, it is not necessary to delete the previous hardware binding in the Account.

However, an error may occur, if you exceed the number of computers with the installed program. In this case, in your Account (in the Hardware settings) delete the outdated hardware binding and click the "Repeat" in the installer window, or simply run the installer again if the installation has already been interrupted/completed.

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